Marco Rubio said in an interview recently that "god's rule" supersedes constitutional law and that Americans should ignore these laws that would go against "god's rule." Now I know that politicians have to do what they have to do to get the support from their base to win elections. I know that they will pretty much say and do anything to make that happen. What I don't understand is how completely oblivious they are to the danger in this type of rhetoric. Not only in the sense that it goes against everything the constitution stands for, but also the ACTUAL danger it presents. Some people are ignorant to the true meaning of "separation of church and state" and why that's important. And some people are crazy enough to take up arms and act on these types of irrational statements. Colorado Springs just had an act of domestic terrorism when a man walked in to a Planned Parenthood and opened fire. The motive of the case is unknown at this time, but I can speculate and say that it was an act of violence from a right-wing pro-lifer. I can speculate on this because it has happened before by right-wing pro-lifers: Army of God, 1993, 1994, 1998, 2009. These acts of domestic terrorism are the product of the anti-abortion movements of not only the groups that enact this violence, but also the type rhetoric from politicians like Marco Rubio that basically give these people the license to kill and maim. When your representatives say something like, "hey, don't pay any attention to the constitution or the vision that our founding fathers had that made this country great, just ignore all of that," it can plant a seed that grows and that is what we are seeing today with these senseless killings.
In this particular case Marco Rubio was referring to same-sex marriage, but taken out of context you can see how these statements can be very dangerous and irresponsible. Republicans often speak unkindly about Planned Parenthood, but I seriously doubt this maniac in Colorado Springs knew that abortions only account for 3% of what Planned Parenthood actually does. It's really sad when politicians can motivate these mouth-breathers, who also happen to be armed & dangerous.